It has just been a month since Prakash Javadekar, Union HRD Minister made the announcement for compulsory internships for engineering students and one can already feel the heat among internship applicants rising. While this announcement has exponentially increased the number of students seeking internships, the number of internship positions has seen only a marginal rise.
Quite naturally, there is a neck plunging competition for upcoming winter and summer internship seasons.
Having good grades may give you an upper hand, it is not enough to help you grab the best internship position. Especially, if you are seeking an internship in 2017’s verified companies with highest paid internships.
An important dimension of our work at Switch Idea is to raise the bar for NTAT-certified students and their achievement, which opens up to new internship opportunities, summer projects and industry knowledge at any stage during their under-graduation and post-graduation. With LinkedIn, we are now able to give students the opportunity to easily update their online professional profiles to acknowledge their accomplishment.
NTAT Certification is the Booster to your Linkedin Profile
Every year Switch Idea conducts National Talent Acquisition Test (NTAT) to screen the aptitude and technical skills of the student users. Since the candidate’s identity is manually verified at the examination center, companies who hire NTAT certified interns are assured of candidate’s identity, college associations, degrees they are pursuing and their domain skills. By this we help employers to get an access only to the qualified and verified interns.
As NTAT Score aims at quantifying a candidate’s employability skills, we’re inspired to be working with LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network, to help you get noticed for your hard work on Switch Idea! If you are one of the hundreds of thousands of students who have completed your NTAT, you can now instantly add your verified NTAT Certificate to your LinkedIn Profile. This proprietary digital certificate is meant to bring out the best in you while brushing up your technological and industrial knowledge.
Increase Your Profile Views
Ever since its inception in August 2014, more than 10,000 students across six cities have successfully been certified by NTAT. A majority of these students have successfully bagged internship positions at verified companies much better than their counterparts with the same grades.
By enrolling for upcoming NTAT, you can not only take the test but you can also select from 1, 2, or 3-year module where you get a dedicated internship support to help you land the best internship as per your preferences. In addition, an NTAT certified student also gets priority applications and free switch idea account on the only platform that provides verified internships to students.
Additionally, NTAT certified students also tend to receive a priority treatment not only from employers listed in Switch Idea but from employers registered on Linkedin. That is why it makes sense to add NTAT certificate to LinkedIn and increase your chances of landing an internship.
Benefits of adding NTAT Certificate to Your LinkedIn Account
A student with NTAT certificate is naturally implied to have better professional skills and is preferred by employers over someone who does not have the certificate. Since the identity of every student appearing for NTAT examination is manually verified at the examination center, companies are assured of a NTAT certified candidate’s identity, college associations, degrees they are pursuing and their domain skills. That means a NTAT certified LinkedIn profile boasts of a verified and qualified student whom employers are more likely to hire.
By adding NTAT badge to the largest professional network, you not only increase your profile’s exposure but also increase your chances of getting hired for an internship. When an employer will come across the profile of two students with similar grades and no prior experience, he will naturally choose the student who is NTAT certified. If you are already NTAT certified and have not added the badge to LinkedIn, do it right away. Here is how you can do it.
Adding NTAT certificate to LinkedIn
The process of adding NTAT certificate in LinkedIn is quick and easy.
1) Go to and login to your Switch Idea account
2) After logging in, navigate to your ‘Profile’ from the drop down menu
3) Scroll to the bottom of your Profile page. Under NTAT section, in the right corner, you will find a ‘ LinkedIn’s Add to Profile’ button
4) Click on the button to add NTAT certificate to LinkedIn
5) Make sure you enter correct Batch ID (NTAT roll number) so that your details are shown correctly.
6) Click on ‘SAVE ALL CHANGES’ button and you are done.
Note: Only those students who have given their NTAT are authorized to add their NTAT-certification to Linkedin. In other case, the Add to Profile button is disabled.